21 November, 2008


Impian Monalisa-Having cool and pleasant climate with interesting view of the Sianok canyon. Bukittinggi is visited by many visitors all year round. Leaders and scientists both from home and broad held comfrences Tri Arga, Convention Hall of Hatta, and Convention hall of Hatta’s Library.

Bukittinggi is the center of Tourism in West Sumatera completed by hotel, restaurant and Souvenir Shops. The last information of tourist information office Bukittinggi is visited by 200.000 tourist each year.

The shopping center Pasar Atas was on fire in 1968 drugstores and book stores burned off. The famous “ loos Galung “ with its steel construction buildt in 1850 by Dutch government was also burned “ Right after the accident the the government rebuilt the shops and other facilities, therefore, in 1970 president Soeharto inaugrated the new reestablished market.

The bus station in Aur Kuning was built in 1980 and at the same time some facilities for shopping were also built. In short the new market palce was built.

Hundred meters from Pasar Atas, on Jln. Cindua mato, Mr. Skalleg, a Dutch, established a zoo on Bukit Malambuang completed with a Minangkabau traditional house with two rice store houses in front of it The Traditional house also functions as a museum containing Minangkabau antiques and historical articles.Bukittinggi is small town located in a plateau at the feet of Mt.Merapi and Mt.singgalang . there are about twenty hills in the town ; Bukit Malambung, Cubadak Bungkuk, Labuh Babalik, Sangkuik, Ciik Anjing, Kandang Kabau, Sarang Gagak, Located Around “Pasar Atas”.The hills next to Anak Air and Mandiangin are Bukit Campago, Mandiangin, paruik natung, guguk bulek, and the last group are bukit pauh, lampasa, ponggok, palolok mantari tujuh etc. Hence, this lovely little town called “Bukittinggi” meaning high hills or hilly town.

The first inhabitants of the town according to the legend were the Kurai tribe who came to Bukittinggi from Batu Sangkar by Koto Baru and Banuhampu, it is believed by the people of Kurai and Banuhampu that they practice the same customes. The second group came from Batu Sangkar via Baso near Tanjung Alam, they took arrest in padang Kurai in Baso. Later they walked forward to Tigo Baleh Bukittinggi.

The people of Kurai embrace Islam and at the same time they pratice Minangkabau culture as well as the people through out Minangkabau. The coming of European at the beginning of nineteenth century distrurbed the stillness of the society. On July 16, 1818 Thomas St. raffles inspected Minangkabau which had been visited by Dutch before. It was the beginning of the conflicts.

The coming of several Imams from Mecca namely Tuanku Nan Renceh, Tuanku Piobang, Haji Miskin and Haji Pamansiangan made renewal in religious faith; they refused to accept some types of customs related to the Hinduism like cock fighting, gambling and so on. The conflicts between Panghulu and the Imams invited Ducth soldiers. In 1825 Dutch soldiers esta-blished fortress on Bukit Labuh Babalik on which the office town secretary and government offices were built later. In 1854, the Chinese and Indians arrived in Bukittinggi. It was beginning of town establishment.

In 1890 the secretary of the town the secretary of the town spent as much as f.4,000 to import steel contruction for “ Loos Galung “ building facing Janjang Ampek Puluh in Pasar Atas.

In 1990 the town government borrowed money from Bank of the Nederlands Indies as much as f.12,000, for building the facilities on Pasar Lereng, therefore, each owner of the shop should pay f.1, every year.

In 1915 the town hall was built near the Zoo; the secretary of the town was administered here. There was building beside this building used for storing salt. The places for selling coconuts, fishes and other food materials were built in the same year.

There was an agreement between controller Van Hangel with Laras Agam Tuo to establish a building for heads og Nagari Agam Tuo. Bukittinggi and Agam leaders worked hand in hand in building Bukittinggi market.

The town secretary H.E.Prins imported the contruction from Europe costing f.15,000 The steel contruction was for building some market places in Pasar Bawah for selling rice, coconuts and vegetables. Later there was an agreement between the town secretary with Laras IV Koto, laras Banuhampu sungai Puar dan Laras IV Angkek to work together in developing the newly established market; and the town secretary agreed to build an office on Pasar Atas. They agreed to distribute the taxes collected to those villages which were also called Agam Tuo. This happened in 1907.

Later the leaders of Kurai refused the distribution of the tax, then, they wrote a letter to West Sumatera Resident A.K Derx in 1918, to Resident J.D.I.Libre in 1919, and to Resident J.H.Liefrink also in 1919.
After the Indonesia independence, Bukittinggi was the palce for struggle movement activities. In 1945 Bukittinggi was capital of Sumatera, and in 1949 Bukittinggi was oppointed the Capital of Indonesia because Jogyakarta was accupied by Dutch soldiers and the late President Soekarno and the late Vice President Moh. Hatta were in jail.


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IMPIAN MONALISA Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon